Bazaleti Green Engineering Centre will train and prepare installers of renewable energy generating sources.

The Green Engineering Center of ESCO-S LLC, funded by the USAID Professional Skills Development Program, started developing and piloting a training program in the green economy.

The program started on September 4, 2023, and will cover:

Installation of automatic hybrid energy systems and creation of an accredited training module for service installation specialists, which will result in certified installers/maintenance specialists training for mixed operation of renewable energy sources.


For this purpose, during the next 12 months:

  • An educational module will be developed and submitted to the Education Quality Control Service for accreditation. Preparation of professional skills for the certification of the skills training program of the fourth training category in the speciality “Installation and service of automatic hybrid energy systems;
  • The educational program will be equipped with sights;
  • Training of program trainers will be carried out in leading European institutions to improve technical skills
  • The Green Economy Emergency Skills Training Program is piloted at the Green Engineering Bazalet Training Center.
  • A long-term partnership with two training providers will be established;
  • 30 people employed in the green economy will be paid and will receive the certificate of “Hybrid Energy Systems Installation and Service Installation”;
  • Outreach activities were conducted to share the results of the program with sector representatives – at least 50 employers, associations/councils and industry groups.

On September 8, 2023, a meeting was held between the working group of the project and representatives of the Education Quality Control Agency. During the meeting, the participants discussed the accreditation application of ESCO-S LLC, met with the specialists of the field and the program manager, planned the architecture of the training module and prepared a time plan of activity according to which they started working on the creation of training syllabus and training literature.

The working group’s next meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2023.

Energy Audit in Wine Industry

Energy-efficient production and relation to competitiveness

In the modern competitive market, proper resource management plays a crucial role. The basis for the modern green wine industry is cost-effective management of processes, use of renewable energy resources, and waste minimization. This covers all segments of production from the irrigation system to premises lighting: the company’s vehicle fleet, field machinery, and product packaging – where the energy is used for production, storage or transportation.

After identifying the needed data, optimising energy use will improve production processes. Information analysis, followed by conclusions and recommendations, increases energy performance, develops the enterprise through adopting ISO 5001 green management principles, and uses renewable energy instead of the traditional one.

These are the means that use wind, solar and geothermal energy installation and cut down by 30% of grid electricity demand.

Using renewables as the primary energy source, increasing energy performance by various methods, and having proper energy management, achieving a 50% reduction in buying grid electricity is realistic.


Energy audit as a tool for resources efficient management

The purpose of an energy audit in the wine industry is to obtain detailed information about production processes and used equipment, identification of cost-optimal potential for energy savings, and calculation and analysis of results. This tool can be applied at each stage, identifying the problems and finding solutions.

An industrial energy audit can form a view of the challenges in wine production energy management:

  • How and in which area can energy performance be improved, reducing cost in wine value change?
  • Which alternative solutions suit my business? For my region?
  • Which approaches are sustainable, and to which extent?
  • How can different types of energy be co-utilized or interconnected?
  • What is the time scale for implementing alternative options, savings, and payback?
  • How to store the excess energy produced during the not-loaded shift on the site and use it when needed?
  • Is implementing planned changes alone financially feasible, or will joint effort with other actors be better?
  • Network or separated systems?

Good practice example

Cold preliminary fermentation maceration during wine ethanol fermentation is already widely used in wine factories in Georgia and worldwide. For the fermentation process, there is developed energy-saving and processes optimization methodology. Particularly in wine production, different energy-saving approaches are analysed, followed by an action plan and verification of results.

New legislation on energy performance, responsibilities of enterprises and new

Georgian legislation, particularly Law on Energy Efficiency” -21/05/2020 aims at energy saving, an increase of energy supply and security, and eliminating energy efficiency barriers on the energy market. The law (article 5 – Energy Efficiency Policy in Industry) obliges the first category enterprises, including wine producers, to conduct a full energy audit once in 4 years, or adopt permanent energy management as follows:

a) If the production facility consists of energy final use large segments/elements, – then individual energy audits series for each segment/element.
b) If the enterprise has two or more small-scale sites, and conducts the same or similar activities, then audit two or more sites selectively.
c) In case of fulfilment, both conditions stated in “a” and “b” – in the same way as considered by both articles “a” and “b.”

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia developed targeted programs for medium and small-size wine companies (which do not fall into the first category companies) and provided information on adopting the energy management system and certified experts.

The legal entity of the public Law, “Georgian Accreditation Center – the Unified National Body of Accreditation“, is responsible for the accreditation of energy auditors. This body can also validate energy auditors’ certificates based on an agreement with relevant bodies of EU member states.


Legal responsibility for energy management and fines in case of failure

The law sets responsibilities and fines in case of law requirements fulfilment failure.

The failure to implement an energy audit by an enterprise, the failure to implement the introduction of a certified energy management system ….. and/or the non-submission of a copy of an implemented energy audit report to the Ministry, or the failure to notify the introduction of a certified
energy management system or an environmental management system, shall result in a warning, and the failure to rectify the violation within 90 days after the warning shall result in a fine of 50,000 GEL to 100,000 GEL.


An energy audit is a powerful tool that provides cost-effective wine industry management. It is the milestone in the Georgian green wine sector development roadmap supported by Georgian legislation.


Energy Audit in Wine Industry

Energy-efficient production and relation to competitiveness

In the modern competitive market, proper resource management plays a crucial role. The basis for the modern green wine industry is cost-effective management of processes, use of renewable energy resources, and waste minimization. This covers all segments of production from the irrigation system to premises lighting: the company’s vehicle fleet, field machinery, and product packaging – where the energy is used for production, storage or transportation.

After identifying the needed data, optimising energy use will improve production processes. Information analysis, followed by conclusions and recommendations, increases energy performance, develops the enterprise through adopting ISO 5001 green management principles, and uses renewable energy instead of the traditional one.

These are the means that use wind, solar and geothermal energy installation and cut down by 30% of grid electricity demand.

Using renewables as the primary energy source, increasing energy performance by various methods, and having proper energy management, achieving a 50% reduction in buying grid electricity is realistic.


Energy audit as a tool for resources efficient management

The purpose of an energy audit in the wine industry is to obtain detailed information about production processes and used equipment, identification of cost-optimal potential for energy savings, and calculation and analysis of results. This tool can be applied at each stage, identifying the problems and finding solutions.

An industrial energy audit can form a view of the challenges in wine production energy management:

  • How and in which area can energy performance be improved, reducing cost in wine value change?
  • Which alternative solutions suit my business? For my region?
  • Which approaches are sustainable, and to which extent?
  • How can different types of energy be co-utilized or interconnected?
  • What is the time scale for implementing alternative options, savings, and payback?
  • How to store the excess energy produced during the not-loaded shift on the site and use it when needed?
  • Is implementing planned changes alone financially feasible, or will joint effort with other actors be better?
  • Network or separated systems?

Good practice example

Cold preliminary fermentation maceration during wine ethanol fermentation is already widely used in wine factories in Georgia and worldwide. For the fermentation process, there is developed energy-saving and processes optimization methodology. Particularly in wine production, different energy-saving approaches are analysed, followed by an action plan and verification of results.

New legislation on energy performance, responsibilities of enterprises and new

Georgian legislation, particularly Law on Energy Efficiency” -21/05/2020 aims at energy saving, an increase of energy supply and security, and eliminating energy efficiency barriers on the energy market. The law (article 5 – Energy Efficiency Policy in Industry) obliges the first category enterprises, including wine producers, to conduct a full energy audit once in 4 years, or adopt permanent energy management as follows:

a) If the production facility consists of energy final use large segments/elements, – then individual energy audits series for each segment/element.
b) If the enterprise has two or more small-scale sites, and conducts the same or similar activities, then audit two or more sites selectively.
c) In case of fulfilment, both conditions stated in “a” and “b” – in the same way as considered by both articles “a” and “b.”

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia developed targeted programs for medium and small-size wine companies (which do not fall into the first category companies) and provided information on adopting the energy management system and certified experts.

The legal entity of the public Law, “Georgian Accreditation Center – the Unified National Body of Accreditation“, is responsible for the accreditation of energy auditors. Based on an agreement with relevant bodies of EU member states, this body can also validate energy auditors’ certificates.


Legal responsibility for energy management and fines in case of failure

The law sets responsibilities and fines in case of law requirements fulfilment failure.

The failure to implement an energy audit by an enterprise, the failure to implement the introduction of a certified energy management system ….. and/or the non-submission of a copy of an implemented energy audit report to the Ministry, or the failure to notify the introduction of a certified
energy management system or an environmental management system, shall result in a warning, and the failure to rectify the violation within 90 days after the warning shall result in a fine of 50,000 GEL to 100,000 GEL.


An energy audit is a powerful tool that provides cost-effective wine industry management. It is the milestone in the Georgian green wine sector development roadmap supported by Georgian legislation.


Energy efficient production and relation to competitiveness

Energy efficient production and relation to competitiveness

In modern competitive market proper resources management play crucial role. The basis for modern
green wine industry is cost effective management of processes, use of renewable energy resources,
waste minimization. This covers all segments of production from irrigation system to prmises lighting:
company’s vehicle fleet, field machinery, product packaging – where the energy is used for production,
storage or transportation.

After identification of the needed data, optimization of energy use will allow improvement of
production processes. Information analysis, followed by conclusions and recommendations increase
energy performance, develop the enterprise through adoption of ISO 5001 green management
principles, uses renewable energy instead of traditional one.

These are the means that uses wind, solar and geothermal energy installation and cut down by 30% of
grid electricity demand.

Using renewables as as primary sourse of energy, increasing energy performane by various methods,
and having poper energy managemet, it is realistic to achieve 50% reduction in buying grid electricity.


Energy audit as a tool for resources efficient management

Purpose of energy audit in wine industry is obtaining detailed information about production processes
and used equipment, identification of cost optimal potential for energy savings, calculation and analysis
of results. This tool can be applied at each stage, identifying the problems and finding solutions.

Industrial energy audit can form a view on the challenges in wine production energy management:

  • How and I which area can be energy performance improved, therefore – reduce cost in wine
    value chane?
  • Which alternative solutions suite my business? For my region?
  • Which approaches are sustainable and in which extent?
  • How can different types of energy be co-utilized or be inter connected?
  • What is time scale for different alternative options implementation, savings, payback?
  • How to store on the site the excess energy produced during not loaded shift, and use when
  • Is implemting of planned changes alone financially feasible or joint effort with other actors will
    be better?
  • Network or separated systems?

Good practice example

Cold preliminary fermentation maceration during wine ethanol fermentation is already widely used in
wine factories in Georgia and worldwide. For fermentation process there is developed energy saving and
processes optimization methodology. For the particular wine production there are analyzed different
energy saving approaches, followed by action plan and verification of results.


New legislation on energy performance, responsibilities of enterprises and new challenges

Georegian legislation, particularly Law on Energy Efficiency” -21/05/2020 aims at energy saving, increase
of energy supply and security, as well as elimination of energy efficiency barriers on the energy market.
The law (article 5 – Energy Efficiency Policy in Industry) obliges the first category enterprises, including
wine producers, to conduct full energy audit once in 4 years, or adopt permanent energy management
as follows:

a) If the production facility consists of energy final use large segments / elements, – then individual
energy audits series for each segment / element.
b) If the enterprise has 2 or more small scale sites, and conduct the same or similar activities, –
then audit of 2 or more sites selectively.
c) In case of fulfillment both condition stated in “a” and “b” – in the same way as considered by
both articles “a” and “b”

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia developed targeted programs for
medium and small size wine companies (which do not fall into the first category companies), and
provides information on adoption of energy management system and certified experts.

Legal entity of the public Law “Georgian Accreditation Center – the Unified National Body of
Accreditation“ is responsible for accreditation of energy auditors. This body, on the basis of agreement
with relevant bodies of EU member states, also can validate energy auditors certificates.

Legal responsibility for energy management and fines in case of failure

The law sets responsibilities and fines in case of law requirements fulfillment failure.

The failure to implement an energy audit by an enterprise, or the failure to implement the
introduction of a certified energy management system ….. and/or the non-submission of a copy of an
implemented energy audit report to the Ministry, or the failure to notify the introduction of a certified
energy management system or an environmental management system, shall result in a warning, and the
failure to rectify the violation within 90 days after the
warning shall result in a fine of 50,000 GEL to 100,000 GEL.


Energy audit is a powerful tool which provides cost effective management in wine industry. Supported
by Georgian llegislation, it is the milestone in Georgian green wine sector development road map.

Zaal Kheladze

Energy efficient production and relation to competitiveness

Energy efficient production and relation to competitiveness

In modern competitive market proper resources management play crucial role. The basis for modern
green wine industry is cost effective management of processes, use of renewable energy resources,
waste minimization. This covers all segments of production from irrigation system to prmises lighting:
company’s vehicle fleet, field machinery, product packaging – where the energy is used for production,
storage or transportation.

After identification of the needed data, optimization of energy use will allow improvement of
production processes. Information analysis, followed by conclusions and recommendations increase
energy performance, develop the enterprise through adoption of ISO 5001 green management
principles, uses renewable energy instead of traditional one.

These are the means that uses wind, solar and geothermal energy installation and cut down by 30% of
grid electricity demand.

Using renewables as as primary sourse of energy, increasing energy performane by various methods,
and having poper energy managemet, it is realistic to achieve 50% reduction in buying grid electricity.


Energy audit as a tool for resources efficient management

Purpose of energy audit in wine industry is obtaining detailed information about production processes
and used equipment, identification of cost optimal potential for energy savings, calculation and analysis
of results. This tool can be applied at each stage, identifying the problems and finding solutions.

Industrial energy audit can form a view on the challenges in wine production energy management:

  • How and I which area can be energy performance improved, therefore – reduce cost in wine
    value chane?
  • Which alternative solutions suite my business? For my region?
  • Which approaches are sustainable and in which extent?
  • How can different types of energy be co-utilized or be inter connected?
  • What is time scale for different alternative options implementation, savings, payback?
  • How to store on the site the excess energy produced during not loaded shift, and use when
  • Is implemting of planned changes alone financially feasible or joint effort with other actors will
    be better?
  • Network or separated systems?

Good practice example

Cold preliminary fermentation maceration during wine ethanol fermentation is already widely used in
wine factories in Georgia and worldwide. For fermentation process there is developed energy saving and
processes optimization methodology. For the particular wine production there are analyzed different
energy saving approaches, followed by action plan and verification of results.


New legislation on energy performance, responsibilities of enterprises and new challenges

Georegian legislation, particularly Law on Energy Efficiency” -21/05/2020 aims at energy saving, increase
of energy supply and security, as well as elimination of energy efficiency barriers on the energy market.
The law (article 5 – Energy Efficiency Policy in Industry) obliges the first category enterprises, including
wine producers, to conduct full energy audit once in 4 years, or adopt permanent energy management
as follows:

a) If the production facility consists of energy final use large segments / elements, – then individual
energy audits series for each segment / element.
b) If the enterprise has 2 or more small scale sites, and conduct the same or similar activities, –
then audit of 2 or more sites selectively.
c) In case of fulfillment both condition stated in “a” and “b” – in the same way as considered by
both articles “a” and “b”

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia developed targeted programs for
medium and small size wine companies (which do not fall into the first category companies), and
provides information on adoption of energy management system and certified experts.

Legal entity of the public Law “Georgian Accreditation Center – the Unified National Body of
Accreditation“ is responsible for accreditation of energy auditors. This body, on the basis of agreement
with relevant bodies of EU member states, also can validate energy auditors certificates.

Legal responsibility for energy management and fines in case of failure

The law sets responsibilities and fines in case of law requirements fulfillment failure.

The failure to implement an energy audit by an enterprise, or the failure to implement the
introduction of a certified energy management system ….. and/or the non-submission of a copy of an
implemented energy audit report to the Ministry, or the failure to notify the introduction of a certified
energy management system or an environmental management system, shall result in a warning, and the
failure to rectify the violation within 90 days after the
warning shall result in a fine of 50,000 GEL to 100,000 GEL.


Energy audit is a powerful tool which provides cost effective management in wine industry. Supported
by Georgian llegislation, it is the milestone in Georgian green wine sector development road map.

Zaal Kheladze

Esco-S Bazaleti Green Engineering Center hostsed school students from Akkhmeta municipality public schools.

In the frameworks of th the project ,,Green Future-Youth for Forests’’ the delegation of 20 public school students from Akhmeta municipality visited Esco-S Green Engineering Center. Where they were introduced with the modern green technologies by the Center experts and management. The study visit to the center was initiated by teachers from Akhmeta public schools , who previously had opportunity to listen to Mr.Zaal Kheladze’s public lecture at Akhmeta ,,Eco-Hub’’ on November 6, 2021.
After exploring Bazaleti Center, young visitiors, school students interest raised in Green approaches that are being implemented in the industry and everyday life, students became curious about creation of Green building and realization of circular economy principals.
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) program “Natural Resource Management and Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Rural Development in the South Caucasus” (ECO serve). Initiatives are being implemented within the scope of the CENN project – Promoting Sustainable Forest Management for Rural Development, with financial support from Austrian Development Cooperation.

Embassy of Hungary in Tbilisi and Esco-S are discussing the opportunities for renewable energy development

On July 15, 2019, the meeting was held between H.E. Dr Viktória Horváth, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Georgia, and Mr Zaal Kheladze, the director of Esco-S. Throughout the meeting, opportunities for renewable technology implementation were discussed and a study visit to the Republic of Hungary was planned. 

H.E Dr Viktoria Horvath highlighted the existing interest coming from the side of the Hungarian renewable energy cluster,  Arch Energy’’ in terms of renewable energy sources in Georgia. Especially, focusing on large biomass utilization enterprises (1 Megawatt and more), who are attracted to the idea of realization of their product in Georgia. Apart from that, meeting attendees discussed the opportunities for designing and implementing mutual study courses in cooperation with Szeged Technical University in Hungary. 

At the end of the meeting, the decision on Esco-S representatives visit to Hungary was made. The study visit aims to further deepen the partnership with Hungarian companies. The study visit will be facilitated by Varga Szok, the Economic attaché of the Embassy of Hungary in Tbilisi. 

Esco-S team of,,Green Engineering Center’’ provides assistance to commercial bank clients in Green Restructuration of their businesses in the frameworks of the EU4ENERGY project:, Green Consulting’

The Esco-S team helps TBC and Basis Bank customers to elaborate grant applications and assists in Green structure transformation of their business within the EU4ENERGY, Green Consulting’ project. 

In total, 20 companies will be transformed into Green businesses as a result of Consultations covering green restructuring process implementation for the industrial sector (Construction, Mechanical Engineering, Food Industry, etc.) Consultation costs are fully funded by the grant program.

..Geobuilders’’ Is one of the beneficiaries of the grant program, who will receive the full consultation package including energy management detailed analysis; Staff training, Development of the green restructuration, and implementation. Energy balance will be calculated for a single pilot residential building that will shortly come into a zero-emission phase.

Due to Covid 19 regulations, project-related work is being implemented online. Project experts carry out the activities following relevant filters and provide,, Geobuilders ‘’ management with periodic updates. 

,, This is a significant challenge for our company in terms of Green Restructuration, We hope, that the transformation will enable us to respond to the requirements of the new law on,, Energy Efficiency’’ . We are pioneers in this regard. We got introduced to several innovative approaches in the construction and development field, that have clearly shown us the attractiveness and advantages of an energy-efficient perspective for the implementation of resource-effective management methodology. ‘’ stated Mr. Levan Tsaava, director, LTD GeoBuilders.

Esco-S launches construction of two small zero-emission factories in the Bazaleti Green Engineering Centre area.

From 2023, first-class enterprises will be legally obliged to carry out mandatory energy audits under the law on, Energy Efficiency’’.

 Esco-S envisages becoming a leader in the energy audit field, for this, the decision on construction of Green Engineering Center with two demonstration zero-emission enterprises was made. This implies, Operating a hybrid ( Solar, Biomass, natural air, Electricity, Thermal pump) energy consumption energy central, that enables the functioning of effective district heating systems. The innovation can be seen in the concept of the centre, as it also involves two demonstration zero-emission enterprises for the production of Georgian Cider and distillation. Both enterprises are settled in registered green buildings with minimal energy consumption built according to soil compaction technologies. The idea of the centre could give rise to the replication of innovative approaches generated by the Green engineering centre team by Georgian industry representatives in their enterprises. It should be mentioned, Recently, that French expert Mr Vincent Julien has been involved in the production processes management. Mr Julien who is a wine technologist will be leading the piloting of the Apple and Peer cider zero-emission enterprise. The machines for piloting are already purchased, the first 10 tons of fruit are in the fermentation process. We are going to take consistent steps in Georgian cider production, carefully checking on the indicators of success:

  • Production of organic products from non-timber products (Panta peer, Wild apple)
  • The production process in high altitude benchmark, 1000 m oxygen-enriched area
  • Managing zero-emission production processes. 

We believe, that synergy of these three components will gain a unique sense of Georgian cider brand identity. From March 2021, German Biochemist, Hans Albrecht Hoffman will join the Esco-S team to be in charge of managing biochemical processes during fruit juice and high-quality fruit spirit production. This would be a solid advancement for Eco-S to position itself as a highly competent consulting company providing consulting services to different industries.

5 Benefits of Solar Energy to the Environment

You’ve heard that solar energy is good for the environment, but have you ever wondered why or how?

In this article, we’ll look at the different environmental benefits of solar energy to help you better understand the impact that renewable energy has.

Benefits Of Solar Energy To The Environment

There are plenty of different reasons why solar energy is so advantageous. There are some financial benefits to solar, such as savings through lowering your electric bill. There are some other benefits and advantages as well. Some people just like the idea of being green and more energy independent. They like that they don’t have to depend as much on the grid for their energy needs.

But some of the best benefits of solar energy are the way it impacts the environment.

Here are five of the environmental benefits of renewable solar energy.

1. Reduces Air Pollution

Fossil fuels create a lot of pollutants. If you’ve ever been to California, New York, China, or anyplace whose geography consists of mountains and valleys, you’ve seen what dirty air looks like.

Smog, dirty air, is bad for the environment, it’s bad for our health, and it’s bad for aesthetics. When pollutants get trapped in the air, everything just looks worse.

Solar panels help get rid of air pollution. Your solar panels create clean energy that won’t contribute to air pollution.

2. Reduce Water Usage

If your energy source doesn’t use fossil fuels to power itself, it probably uses some sort of water as its resource. Hydropower and nuclear energy both use a lot of water to produce electricity. Often a dam will need to be built to control the water flow and electricity production. With dams, there’s the problem that damming water will have a significant impact on the local ecosystem.

Solar panels create energy without water nor a negative impact on the ecosystem. In fact, the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy believes that solar energy systems could help drop water consumption in at least 36 states. This would help solve our water scarcity issue.

3. Reduces Dependence On Nonrenewable Energy Sources

We already mentioned how some people enjoy solar energy because they like being green and energy independent. But solar can also help reduce our dependence on nonrenewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels. This is great for so many reasons.

First and foremost, those nonrenewable energy resources create a lot of pollutants that negatively impact our air quality. Second, nonrenewable resources are nonrenewable because they will, eventually, run out. The sooner and more fully we can make the transition to renewable energy, the better for both the environment and our species.

4. Improves Humanity’s Health In The Long-run

We’ve already mentioned how the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy believes that a solar energy system can help us reduce water scarcity, but in that same report, the office also estimates that cleaner air could have a positive effect on mankind’s health. In fact, they estimate that we could save more than 25,000 lives.

That’s because with cleaner air comes cleaner lungs.

5. Helps Fight Climate Change

Last but not least, there’s the issue of climate change. The continual dump of pollutants and additional CO2 into the air costs our planet. It makes it harder and harder for the environment to clean the air. As the carbon count continues to increase, so will our retention of heat from the sun. These changing air conditions will continue to have an effect on different climates, causing some to warm, others to cool, and causing weather patterns everywhere to become more sudden and volatile.

Scientists and climatologists have created a large body of work, which includes experiments, climate models, and research. That there is now a general consensus among these professionals that we need a renewable energy project to stem the tide of climate change.

Solar energy is one of the ways we can try to prevent the effects of climate change. By reducing our CO2 emissions, and releasing fewer pollutants into the air, we can all do our part to slow down climate change.

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