Production Practice Based Teaching Opportunities at Green Engineering Center’s Energy-Efficient Heaters Enterprise of Chanadirtkari.

Green Engineering Center will train adult citizens in the professions of the welder and painter in the frameworks of the program Production Practice Based Teaching, For this purpose, the meeting was held  between Georgian  Professional skills Agency and Bazaleti Green Engineering Center.

During the meeting a long-term opportunities for the development of  dual teaching at Chanadirtkari energy-efficient technology Enterprise were discussed.

,,These are the professions of the future, the respective labor market will be even more developed when the law package for economic advancement,  adopted by the Georgian Government will be fully taken into  force’’. Mentioned Mr. Zaal Kheladze, The director of Green Engineering Center.

,, The development of competence and work based teaching and coorporative teaching principles are  the key directions, that are openly supported by the Government of Georgia, helping entrepreneurs to promote those fields.’’ Stated Mr. Petre Tsulukidze, The coordinator of the dual teaching direction of the agency. The similar  topics were discussed by the speakers Mrs. Ana Shengelia (The manager of adult education direction) and Mrs. Khatia Tsiramua,( The consultant of competence and work based  teaching ) Prof. Zaza Tsiramua, covered a financing opportunities in his speech during the meeting. At the end of the meeting the agreement of Cooperation based on PPP principles between Bazaleti Green Engineering Center and The Georgian  Professional skills Agency was  made.






Conference ,,Education for Sustainable Development”

In the frameworks of the International  Environment Protection Day Bazaleti Green Engineering Center hosted the mutual thematic conference ,,Education for Sustainable Development’’ the conference was organized with the engagement Of The Caucasus,  University, Greens Movement of Georgia, and the Leaders School. ,,Save the natural watershed basins’’ was the main slogan of the event.

We are continuing the cycle of the activities, that was launched mutually by The leaders School and Green Engineering Center on April 14, 2022.  We have gained one more partner on the behalf of the Caucasus University,  Today we are conducting the conference which is being dedicated to resolving of the issues which we have identified, in particular:

  • Placement of information banners on the territories of watershed basins
  • Elaboration general plan for watershed basin development,
  • Termination of water reverse flow in watershed reservoirs,
  • Sustainable development of the coastline

All these was mentioned by the director of Green Engineering Center, Mr. Zaal Kheladze in his welcoming speech .

Students teams presented several concepts of the creative information banners that are to be placed around watershed basin of Bazaleti Lake.

  • Protect the Biosphere-Protect the HealthNo to Noise and Light Pollution
  • Become aware of Environmental Regulations
  • Make fun of Contaminant

The head of the NGO ,,Clean Up Georgia’’ Mrs. Nino Chkhobadze has noted : ,, The conference demonstrated that we get beyond the frames of the initiative and are at the inception of much greater beginning which aims to solve the problems identified in Bazaleti Green Engineering Center, I’m proud of our student’s initiative. Greens Movement of Georgia is joining the start.


New Partnership within the Project ,,Sustainable Development Center -Remission’’ implements the project ,,,Assessment of Georgian Climate Technologies, Introducing Priority Technologies and Developing Dissemination Road Map’’

Esco-S in partnership with The ,,Sustainable Development Center -Remission’’ implements the project ,,,Assessment of Georgian Climate Technologies, Introducing Priority Technologies and Developing Dissemination Road Map’’ supported by the ,,Climate Green Foundation ‘

The objective of the technical assistance is to assist the Government of Georgia to update its TNA and develop a technology roadmap for prioritized technologies to address climate change challenges in the most critical sectors of the economy. The project builds on Georgia’s updated NDC and national climate policy and will support their implementation by enabling low emission and adaptation technologies to be developed and deployed.

The long-term objective is the encouragement of new business growth, GHG emissions abatement and the transformational change that can deliver on Georgia’s updated nationally determined contributions . This GCF assistance will enable the Government of Georgia to further develop its country-driven, participatory approach to climate action and complement activities to meet the goals of their existing policies.

The agreement was made between Esco-S and Green Growth Foundation technical assistance program.

The agreement was made between Esco-S and Green Growth Foundation technical assistance program.

The goal of the agreement is to promote the development of the strong energy efficient and renewable energy market in Georgia.

Esco-S was granted with the financial assistance of EUR 10.000 .

In the frameworks of the project Esco-S will be handed with the consultation package, That includes consultations of International experts.

The consultant will study the technical project of production process, developed by Esco-S, upon which he/she will present the protocols for ensuring the quality and safety of full chain of  production process, The protocols will be introduced in the newly established enterprise by Esco-S afterwards. This will enable the company to ensure the provision of specifically designed, high energy-efficiency and safe biomass ovens to the beneficiaries of the project financed by the Green Climate Foundation.

In order to certify the ovens mentioned above, It is necessary that the quality and safety provision  plan provided by the consultant is in line with the European Standards of Production quality, safety control and certification of energy-efficient ovens operating on solid fuel. ( PREN13240(MAIN) and  HAACCP). 

The following actions will be taken by the consultant:

. Esco-S will purchase the standards, that will be introduced afterwards

The consultant will elaborate three different types of protocols on the basis of the technical documentation of the production process and  the requirements implied in the above mentioned standards:

  • The protocol for production and final product quality ensurance;
  • The protocol for ensurance of energy-efficiency of the ovens and fuel for the laboratories testing the features and parameters
  • The protocol for the safety of production process

The elaborated protocols will be oriented on the critical components, defining the quality and  the safety of the product , as well as are responsible for energy-efficiency.

The consultant should prepare a specific material for the training connected with the protocols and should deliver the trainings for  Esco-S staff.

The consultant will prepare the guidance for Oven Installation and Maintainance,  The guide will cover the instructions for oven exploitation and 2-3 minutes long video instructions on the similar issues.

The document for the management of exploration  processes of  the laboratory defining the technical features and energy efficiency  for  ovens and bio-fuel- is the key solution for the a big challenge, that enables providing professional solution to the  second  component of the Green Climate Foundation grant project FP132: Enabling Implementation of Forest Sector Reform in Georgia to Reduce GHG Emissions from Forest Degradation.


IDEATHON on Energy-Efficient Technologies

IDEATHON on Energy-Efficient Technologies -Was organized by the mutual cooperation of The Green Engineering Center and CENN. The event was held in the framewors of the program ,,Awareness and Communication Raising Campaign on Energy-Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies in Rural Territories’’ Supported by UNDP.

The Ideathon  was designed for the young people interested in the fields of Energy-effieicent thecnologies and renewable energies. In total 30 young people from 8 municipalites of Georgia took part in the event. Which was short, albeit intensive workshop type meeting, during which the participants had opportunity to identify existing environmental problems and find solutions to those issues defined. Young participants worked in groups and used Design-Thinking methodology, in order to form the ideas in cooperation with each other.

The above mentioned activities took part during April 26-29, 2022, on the premises of Bulachauri Green Center and Bazaleti Green Engineering Center. The participants were able to listen to the speech of Mr. Zaal Kheladze, The director of Green Engineering Center, In his speech Mr. Kheladze delivered several thematic sessions on the fundaments of Green issues:

  • Concepts of Natural Science, that ensure the Green way of living,
  • Renewable energy sources and technologies and their role in implementation of effective energy-management;
  • Energy-effective skill, habits and actions in everyday life.

In parallel to the sessions, The participants visited Bazaleti Green Technological Center and were introduced with the energy-efficient thecnologies and their operational abilities in every-day life and in the industry with the guidance of Expert-Proffessor Gvantsa Kheladze.

The Young people explored the business under the management of Esco-S, and which are being  operating based on the green principals, in particular Fruit processing factory, Demonstration venue of Green Horeca sector alongside of Bazaleti Lake and The factory of Energy-efficient heating systems which is  under construction.

The participants identified Green challenges with the mentorship and facilitation of Bazaleti Green Engineering Center representatives, according to which they started thinking about finding team based solutions.

,,3D Printer prototyping opportunities at Green Engineering’’

,,3D Printer prototyping opportunities at Green Engineering’’- This was the topic of the training organized  by Bazaleti Green Engineering Center in cooperation with Czech  Agency for Culture Development, on April 27, 2022.

The training was participated by the teachers and students of architecture direction from Georgian Technical University and the Caucasus University.

The training was delivered by the experts of the company producing 3D printers. They proposed the solutions to those challenges that was highlighted in the speech of Mrs. Gvantsa Kheladze, Assistant-Professor of the Caucasus University.  The discussions around the topic demonstrated the importance of incorporating  such innovations in educational processes.

Entrepreneurs who attended the event marked  the significance of prototyping of Georgian traditional handicraft products at the production phase. Introducing 3D printers in Dusheti municipality administrative area will generate many interesting ideas.


Conference- Environmental Challenges of Bazaleti Lake Area

Bazaleti Green Engineering Center hosted the conference on Bazaleti Lake environmental challenges and solution opportunities on April 14.

The conference was preceded with area cleaning action in which representatives of Georgian Leaders School, Oriflame, Local Community and Dusheti Municipality took part voluntarily. The event was launched by Dusheti municipality city hall, Georgian Green Movement and the head persons of Green Engineering Center. The discussion was actively participated by the units involved in Bazaleti Value chain and potential parties. The meeting agenda included the following topics:

  • Water management problems in Bazaleti Lake Basin
  • Soil Contaminants of Bazaleti Community
  • Environmental challenges of Bazaleti lake area and solutions
  • Sustainable development goals

The speakers and the participants of the discussion agreed that specific actions are necessary to be realized to resolve catastrophic situation created due to the environmental conditions of the lake area.

,,The list of the problems is long. Those issues require to be solved urgently. There are solutions and means based on professional knowledge and experience of ecologists. The following steps should be made: The lake should function as  Hydro-accumulative station, Bazaleti lake basin management plan and general plan for Bazaleti community development should be developed.’’ Stated Mr. Zaal Kheladze during his speech, The head of Green Engineering Center.

Mrs. Nino Chkhobadze, The leader of Georgian Green Movement, highlighted the importance of mutual actions of NGO and Business sector, She mentioned that Green foundation is an effective tool for obtaining a financial support.

,,The issue requires rapid actions for solving, We won’t be able to do it without sectoral support. Noted the mayor of Dusheti Municipality, Mrs. Manana Narimanidze in her overwhelming speech.

The conference was finalized by the resolution on development of mutual proposal by Green Climate Foundation accredited organizations for Green Climate Foundation. The process will be managed by the leadership of the head of Green Engineering Center in partnership with the leader of Georgian Green Movement and the mayor of Dusheti municipality.



Esco-S Introduces Green Management Principles in Horeca Sector

Esco-S Green Engineering Center launched a learning course in organic food preparation. The course is led by German chef Gunter Pomp. The course represents our company’s new statement in terms of introducing green principals in Horeca sector.

Esco-S is planning to present one more unit in low emission industry the  ,,Cider Garden’’ on the premisies of 0 Emission Demonstration Center.

It should be mentioned, that the chef, Gunter Pomp is developing the menu upon the test instructions for cider and fruit distillates created specially for Esco-S drinks by French sommelier  Mernis Pure.

Gunter Pomp provides consultations to Georgian colleagues within German Economic Unification Support Program of German Government.  The project is particularly designed for Esco-S and envisages  organizing sustainable principles in Horeca sector.  Project serves to    promote utilization of bio-degradable packaging materials, Waste-less management, Organic Bio-Engineering principles and introduce opportunities for sustainable management system implementation.

  1. Development of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills related to tour hosting, organizing coffee-breaks and Buffet type receptions
  2. Engineering of organic menu for outdoor fast food infrastructure conceptual planning
  3. Engineering of complex menus integrated with Cider and Schnapps using Georgian and European cuisines principles.
  4. Elaboration of degustation menus using Georgian unique spices.
  5. Identification and development of taste features of wild fruit, herbs, Separate edible elements for Cider and Schnapps gift boxes (dried fruit, herbal tea, Dried meat, Smoked cheese , etc)
  6. Elaboration of organic menu taste protocol



The meeting on climate change challenges was organized by Esco-S and Remission

In the frameworks of the project ,,Assessment of Georgian Climate Technologies, Introducing priority technologies  and Developing Dissemination road map’’  Esco-S and Remission organized the meeting for the stakeholders  for reacting on the climate change challenges in  the most critical economic sectors on 28-31 March, 2022.

During the meeting the first phase of the project implementation was summarized, Through multi criteria decision-making analysis 4 priority sector was defined: Agriculture, Buildings, Transport and Energy-sector. The field experts have presented the main features of the selected sectors and the criteria on which the multi criteria analysis was based.

Working groups discussed the technologies of separate sectors, that play the important role in the process of  discussion climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives.

The experts of Esco-S –Mr.Archil Papava, Mr.Levan Natadze and Mr. Zaal Kheladze represented the projects that would facilitate development of climate technologies in the priority sectors for the discussion. Several projects were selected for the further consideration.


Cider-More Than a Beverage

Cider making counts centuries, It is one of the oldest light alcoholic beverages made by fermenting fruit. Evidences show that Cider was consumed in the Roman empire, ancient Greece and the Middle East. Today, cider is consumed in the largest quantities in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.

Cider production is not a popular activity in Georgia, Yet, there are few emerging professionals with big enthusiasm to make a real cider, Freshpressed fermented juice with natural sugar and yeasts, obtained from organic fruits, collected directly from the local agriculture areas and the fruit gardens across Georgia.

One of such pioneers Is ,,Esco-S’’, The company that took a serious approach towards creating a quality product at its own 0 emission enterprise with almost zero impact on the environment, located in the Caucasus mountains, 995 meter above the sea level on the premises of Bazaleti Green Engineering Center, Dusheti municipality.  At the moment, more than 10 types of fresh ciders are being produced Under the label of  ,,Zaal Kheladze Collection’’, the owner of the enterprise, Offering low alcoholic, sparkling beverage with the abundance of flavors of different organic fruits such as: apple and peer varieties, quince, grape, kiwi, feijoa and this is not the end of the list.

By using cold mechanical pressing method, the nectar obtained through organic methodology is stored in the high-pressure bottles just after the first-hand fermentation for the second round. The second-phase fermentation occurs at the storage with specific conditions during 200-240 days, After which the product is ready for the realization. Each of the bottles is accompanied with the relevant fruit syrup to dilute with, in case, one would like to regulate the sweetness of the drink.

Apart from the fact that Cider is one of the pleasant and tastiest beverages to drink, the recent studies have found that there are actual health benefits to drinking cider.

  • Real Cider does not contain gluten,
  • While its rich with Vitamin C and antioxidants thanks to fruit skin, especially the apple.
  • Fermented drinks such as cider have been labeled next functional product for probiotic delivery.
  • Drinking normalized amount of  cider  reduces Blood pressure and cholesterol.

So, real cider doesn’t just taste delightful, but it is good for you too.

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