The meeting on climate change challenges was organized by Esco-S and Remission

In the frameworks of the project ,,Assessment of Georgian Climate Technologies, Introducing priority technologies  and Developing Dissemination road map’’  Esco-S and Remission organized the meeting for the stakeholders  for reacting on the climate change challenges in  the most critical economic sectors on 28-31 March, 2022.

During the meeting the first phase of the project implementation was summarized, Through multi criteria decision-making analysis 4 priority sector was defined: Agriculture, Buildings, Transport and Energy-sector. The field experts have presented the main features of the selected sectors and the criteria on which the multi criteria analysis was based.

Working groups discussed the technologies of separate sectors, that play the important role in the process of  discussion climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives.

The experts of Esco-S –Mr.Archil Papava, Mr.Levan Natadze and Mr. Zaal Kheladze represented the projects that would facilitate development of climate technologies in the priority sectors for the discussion. Several projects were selected for the further consideration.


Cider-More Than a Beverage

Cider making counts centuries, It is one of the oldest light alcoholic beverages made by fermenting fruit. Evidences show that Cider was consumed in the Roman empire, ancient Greece and the Middle East. Today, cider is consumed in the largest quantities in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.

Cider production is not a popular activity in Georgia, Yet, there are few emerging professionals with big enthusiasm to make a real cider, Freshpressed fermented juice with natural sugar and yeasts, obtained from organic fruits, collected directly from the local agriculture areas and the fruit gardens across Georgia.

One of such pioneers Is ,,Esco-S’’, The company that took a serious approach towards creating a quality product at its own 0 emission enterprise with almost zero impact on the environment, located in the Caucasus mountains, 995 meter above the sea level on the premises of Bazaleti Green Engineering Center, Dusheti municipality.  At the moment, more than 10 types of fresh ciders are being produced Under the label of  ,,Zaal Kheladze Collection’’, the owner of the enterprise, Offering low alcoholic, sparkling beverage with the abundance of flavors of different organic fruits such as: apple and peer varieties, quince, grape, kiwi, feijoa and this is not the end of the list.

By using cold mechanical pressing method, the nectar obtained through organic methodology is stored in the high-pressure bottles just after the first-hand fermentation for the second round. The second-phase fermentation occurs at the storage with specific conditions during 200-240 days, After which the product is ready for the realization. Each of the bottles is accompanied with the relevant fruit syrup to dilute with, in case, one would like to regulate the sweetness of the drink.

Apart from the fact that Cider is one of the pleasant and tastiest beverages to drink, the recent studies have found that there are actual health benefits to drinking cider.

  • Real Cider does not contain gluten,
  • While its rich with Vitamin C and antioxidants thanks to fruit skin, especially the apple.
  • Fermented drinks such as cider have been labeled next functional product for probiotic delivery.
  • Drinking normalized amount of  cider  reduces Blood pressure and cholesterol.

So, real cider doesn’t just taste delightful, but it is good for you too.

,,The guide to the Green Technologies’’ was shared with Georgian Educational Sector

Georgian Educational sector received a useful gift from the Esco-S. The ,,Complementary Guidebook to Green technologies’’ developed by the company was published for  a wider dissemination aiming to introduce/integrate the key directions of modern education and awareness in non-formal and formal educational methods for public schools and interested individuals.

Development of renewable energies and energy-efficient technologies represent unconditional response to the acute environmental, economic and social challenges that world population faces today. Progressive green technologies are pivotal for weakening climate change impact and conserving biodiversity, as well as ensuring human well-being and quality of life.

,,The Guide to the Green Technologies’’ is consisted of two parts and is created for formal and non-formal teaching at public school high grades. The guide is designed in a way that it makes it feasible to be integrated with separate disciplines and school public activities.

The first part of the guide explains modern green technologies and their distribution in Georgia. Offering hierarchical solutions to the problems:

  • I was passed an information for thinking and decision-making
  • I started to analyze the subject
  • Learning material is a pleasant surprise
  • We need to think about the implementation of Green life rules.

In the second part of the publication, Lesson plans along with relevant problems, practical homework and funny questions are presented. The mentioned materials could be used for elaboration of teaching module in Green educational disciplines, creating a foundation for preparation of Green Professionals.

Such approaches will provide high education institutions with a good starting-point for offering new type of Green Professionals to the labor market.

The final part of the guidebook provides tests, problems, solutions and methods for the effective monitoring of the acquired knowledge.



Esco-S Launches Production of Fresh Cider at Bazaleti Green Engineering Enterprise

Bazaleti Green Engineering Center Zero emission enterprise started producing ,,Fresh Cider’’. 1000 bottles of apple and pear cider have already been placed to company’s own storage for second round fermentation, In the near future same amounts of pomegranate and kiwi ciders will be stored for so called maturation phase.

The enterprise utilizes energy almost with zero emission principle and considers to be unprecedented not only in Georgia but outside the country’s borders as well. In the few months the enterprise will be operating in accordance with defined parameters.

,,The product is attractive not only for Georgian fruit and their unique taste and organic features, Zero emission factories are rarity in Europe. We produce cider with zero impact on the environment, meaning that production processes are fully driven with renewable energies. Besides, waste products are being composted and the water is re-cycled, cleaner production approaches are being implemented.

,,I’m proud to be a member of this team and have an opportunity to lead production processes management, that definitely, goes beyond wine-making and is unprecedented in terms of the essence of production methods. I’m glad that during the production process we come in full compliance with the fundamental principals of circular economy. I can freely say, that we are creating a healthy future for our children’’ states Mr. Vincent Julien, French expert, The director of Green Engineering Center wine demonstration enterprise.


Esco-S Bazaleti Green Engineering Center hostsed school students from Akkhmeta municipality public schools.

In the frameworks of th the project ,,Green Future-Youth for Forests’’ the delegation of 20 public school students from Akhmeta municipality visited Esco-S Green Engineering Center. Where they were introduced with the modern green technologies by the Center experts and management. The study visit to the center was initiated by teachers from Akhmeta public schools , who previously had opportunity to listen to Mr.Zaal Kheladze’s public lecture at Akhmeta ,,Eco-Hub’’ on November 6, 2021.
After exploring Bazaleti Center, young visitiors, school students interest raised in Green approaches that are being implemented in the industry and everyday life, students became curious about creation of Green building and realization of circular economy principals.
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) program “Natural Resource Management and Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Rural Development in the South Caucasus” (ECO serve). Initiatives are being implemented within the scope of the CENN project – Promoting Sustainable Forest Management for Rural Development, with financial support from Austrian Development Cooperation.

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